Man out on Personal Bond, No Show at Court for Sentencing on Intoxicated Manslaughter Charge

Austin, Travis County, Texas
On August 25th, 2018 Oscar Benitez-Patino was taken to the hospital after a rollover vehicle crash on Highway 71. The passenger in his vehicle was pronounced deceased at the scene.
According to the affidavit:
There were a number of scrape marks and other indications of the path of travel of the vehicle Eastbound. There were a number of car parts, clothing, and other personal items ( Including a Mexico Passport with the name of Oscar Benitez-Patino 11-6-92)
The Affidavit continues:
Amongst the crash scene were signs of alcohol consumption, including an empty box of Corona Beer, an empty Budweiser beer can, and an empty Cerveza Barrilito beer bottle. Also amongst the crash debris and vehicle path of travel were pieces of the deceased passenger's brain matter.
Oscar had his blood drawn about an hour an half after the wreck. They were able to determine that his BAC was between .190-.207 at the time of the crash. That is over double the legal limit. You can read the entire affidavit by clicking here.
Despite the seriousness of this crime, Oscar was released on a Personal Bond even though he was charged with Intoxication Manslaughter with a Vehicle. A personal bond is when the County releases you with no money down and a pinky promise to appear on all your court dates. Worked out great in this instance, right Travis County?
You can see a copy of the Personal Bond by clicking here.
Oscar was required to have an interlock device attached to his vehicle and Secure Remote Alcohol Monitoring attached to his leg. Seems like he was complying for awhile, but on 12/19/18 his Personal Bond was revoked and he had a warrant issued for his arrest. The warrant was active for over a month before he was re-arrested! On 1/23/19 the warrant was executed and Oscar was placed back into the Travis County Jail.
Oscar was once again released on PR bond on 3/27/19, by one of the elected judges here in Travis County. He was supposed to appear in court for sentencing on 5/3/19. Well, we all know that he didn't show up for that. So now the question is who is going to search for Oscar? The overloaded warrant division of Travis County? Are the US Marshals going to get involved? Is the County government going to be held responsible for this injustice to the passenger's family? Why does Travis County think it is a good idea to release people accused of crimes on their own word?
You can see the events of his court dates by clicking here.
You can read the news article pertaining to this by clicking here.