Homeless Man On Personal Bond, kills 1 and injures 2 people Downtown Austin.

Austin, Travis County, TX
Dylan Woodburn has been identified as the suspect for the stabbing that took place in Downtown Austin on January 3rd, 2020.
According to reports, Dylan randomly attacked someone at a coffee shop for no reason, people then tried to restrain him, but he was able to escape and flee into the nearby FreeBirds restaurant. Once inside FreeBirds, he fatally stabbed one person and injured another. After the stabbing, he was able to get up onto a roof and jumped off. Dylan was injured from that and was hospitalized for his injuries. He later died.. You can read the full news story by clicking here.
Dylan Woodburn was released from the Travis County Jail on December 13th via personal bond. He had secured a plea deal for Burglary of a Building (felony), and was released on Personal Bond until the sentencing date of January 14th, 2020. His case is out of the 299th District Court in Travis County, Texas, Judge Karen Sage presiding. You can see that he was released on Personal Bond by clicking here.
I did a little digging and was able to find a little criminal history on Dylan Woodburn. He has a record in Harris County for possession of controlled substances, Terroristic Threat, Manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance, and Possession of Marijuana. Dylan has a history of not showing up to court in Harris County, but was sentenced to State Jail on August 31, 2018 for the Manufacture and Delivery after failing probation attempts twice and having active warrants for about 5 months. You can see the charges from Harris County and Prison Order by clicking here.
We have another senseless loss of life because of elected officials releasing criminals on the Taxpayers dime, and calling it Bail Reform. It is far from reform. Please take a minute and use our call to action button to let your State Representatives that "Bail Reform" should not be about letting dangerous people back on the street pending their new charges!
2 Responses
Good job raising awareness and facilitating messages to our legislators!
[…] reported by Texas Jail Watch, Woodburn was released on “personal recognizance” bond for a burglary offense on December 13, […]
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