Bus Driver Accused of Sexual Assault of a 5 year old, Free to Go!

Austin, Travis County, Texas
Cesar Maldonado was arrested for Continous Sexual Abuse of Young Child last August and was quickly released from Travis County Jail on Personal Bond. The Travis County District Attorney objected to his release and Cesar had already admitted to what he had done, but one of the Magistrate Judges thought he posed no risk to the community and released him. Talk about insanity, but hey this is Travis County. Read the full news story here.
Here is a little excerpt from the affidavit:
Additionally, Crystal reported that the victim began to express fear of going into the restroom to the point where she urinated in the family room at their residence (*assuming that this occurred at their residence*).
Here is the full affidavit, but I must warn it is graphic and made my stomach turn a little. Read the full affidavit by clicking here.
All Cesar had to do was give $40 dollars to the county and have an electronic monitor put on his person. You can see the Personal Recognizance bond and the conditions he was released on here.
In my opinion, this man should never have been released from jail. The only thing that needs to be done is to figure out how much prison time he will receive. He admitted to the allegations against him. What about the victim? What kind of message does this send to other people that may engage in this activity? "Soft on Crime" is not the way we need to handle criminal cases were there are victims.
Take a few moments and let your State Senators and Representatives know that you do not want your TAXPAYER MONEY supporting their reckless pretrial release programs!