Man out on Personal Bond for Assault and Indecent exposure, Sexually Assaults woman at HEB.

Houston, Harris County, Texas
Florian Kroll was arrested on January 17th, 2020 for Sexual Assault and failure to register as a sex offender. You can read the news story by clicking here.
Well, it did not surprise me to learn that Florian was out on two personal bonds for Indecent Exposure and Assault Bodily Injury. The big thing is that he was released on the Personal Bonds on December 28th, 2019. He also had 2 prior arrests for Indecency and assualt. You can see the release documents by clicking here.
Harris County has been in the news a lot lately due to their "Bail Reform" and issuing General Order Bonds or Personal Bonds. Due to this careless release of habitual criminals, more and more victims are being created. Florian is currently in the Harris County Jail, but how long before he is released again.
Victims deserve better, Texas Deserves Better!
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