Man out on 5 Felony Personal Bonds, kills another man!

Austin, Travis County, Texas
On Saturday morning, January 11th, 2020, Marvin Elam killed Isaac Dixon. The dispute was supposedly over a stolen piggy bank that belonged to Marvin's daughter. You can read a few of the news articles by clicking here and here.
Well, after reading the story and doing a simple search on the Travis County websites, it was easy to see that Marvin is no stranger to the Criminal Justice System. Marvin was out on 5 FELONY Personal Bonds for: Possession of Marijuana 5lbs or less but more than 4 ounces, Possession of Controlled Substance 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams, Evading Arrest/Detention with vehicle, Unlawful carrying of a firearm by a felon, and another Evading Arrest/Detention. You can see the release of all these charges by clicking here.
If you look at the dates, Marvin was arrested for the second Evading Arrest/Detention with a vehicle, while on Personal Bonds for the Drugs, gun, and other evading charges. Travis County in all their infinite wisdom decided to grant him another personal bond. Makes no sense to me, but hey the elected Judges know best, right?
Let's take a look at Elam Marvin's criminal history and see why the Travis County Judge granted PR bonds to a career criminal:
Offense Year 2001 - Manufacture/Delivery/Sell Possession of Controlled Substance, Sentenced to 5 years in Prison.
Offense Year 2003 - Possession of Controlled Substance, included in the 5 year sentence.
Offense Year 2005 - Possession of Controlled Substance, included in the 5 year sentence.
Offense Year 2007 - Possession of Controlled Substance, Sentenced to 2 years.
Offense Year 2009 - Evading Arrest/Detention with vehicle, 6 month sentence.
Offense Year 2010 - Evading Arrest/Detention with vehicle with prior convictions and failure to ID, 90 days County Jail
Offense Year 2012 - Possession of Marijuana 5lbs or less but more than 4 ounces, sentenced to 2 years.
Marvin has been in and out of prison, paroled, got new charges, back to prison, rinse and repeat. Looks like a perfect candidate for Tax payer release. You can see the actual time in prison by clicking here.
Take a minute and let your State Representatives know we do not want to continue to have our communities victimized, by the reckless release of career criminals!
3 Responses
🩸 Bleeding Heart Democrats!
This is so totally digusting !
A person dies at the hands of this idiot that should never have been released the second time !
You all have the power to change things like this ! I beg you to do something ! Omg !
What are you thinking TEXAS!!! ?
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