Category: Delaware

Exposing the Dangers of Taxpayer Funded Pretrial Release

Bail Reform and Cops: "If you can't trust a Cop, who can you trust?"

In case you haven’t heard, New Jersey implemented their version of bail reform in the form of the Criminal Justice Reform Act – which began Jan 1 2017.  So what do COPS think of bail reform? It didn’t take long for bail reform to get under the skins of police officers in New Jersey. The revolving…
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Bail Reform and the Poor: Why the Truth Might Surprise You

Behind the Paper with Brian Nairin There is “one fact” out there that public sector pretrial proponents don’t want anyone to know.  And that fact is that the poor don’t really languish away in jail because of the bail bond industry. Why don’t they want anyone to know? Because that one piece of information completely discredits…
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